Ella de Jong
  • Maa: Netherlands
  • Number of Titles: 3

Ella de Jong is an experienced teacher who knows what works in learning and putting your skills at work.

Ella presents workshops and delivers training courses all with a great amount of enthusiasm and surprising assignments in it. The workshops are interactive, creative and original: the best way to internalize the change attendees wanting to make.

Ella is founder of Bureau Uil, a private Solution Focused Counseling practice where she helps children and their parents. She has helped on various problems. In all cases clients only needed a few sessions (average 1,5 session).

Ella is Dutch. She loves to travel and present in English. Dutch or English there always will be a lot of enthusiasm and inspiration.

Ella feels a lot of involvement with you who want her help, who attend a workshop or who are in training. She is always working hard to make sure you are able to discover the ‘smile inside’. Guide yourself through ‘the smile inside’ from “stuck-ness” to progress.

Selaa kaikkia kirjoja kriteerillä Ella de Jong
Ryhdy BookBoon-kirjailijaksi
Onko sinulla mahtava idea, jonka haluaisit nähdä liiketoimintakirjana tai oppikirjana? Onko kokemuksesi opettanut sinulle henkilökohtaisesta kehittymisestä asian jos toisenkin, jonka haluaisit jakaa maailmalle? Tai erikoistutko akateemiseen aihealueeseen, jota voisi selittää paremminkin? Laatu, selkeys ja tiivis esitystapa ovat Bookboonin eKirjojen tunnusmerkkejä. Ota yhteyttä toimitustiimiimme ja ala julkaista!