Dr. David Sachs
  • Maa: United States
  • Number of Titles: 1

Roger McHaney is a University Distinguished Teaching Scholar and professor of management information systems in Kansas State University's College of Business Administration. He currently serves as the Daniel D. Burke Chair for Exceptional Faculty. McHaney teaches courses in enterprise systems and computing. His research areas include simulation, education technology, virtual worlds, and organizational computing. McHaney holds a doctorate in computer information systems and quantitative analysis from the University of Arkansas. He is currently working on several projects that investigate how technology and Web 2.0 impact higher education.

Dr. David Sachs has been an Assistant and Associate Dean and Professor of Information Technology in Pace University's Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems from 1984 - present. As Associate Dean (1984 - 2012) he has developed and managed numerous corporate computer programs for clients such as IBM, Verizon, AT&T and others throughout the United States. Dr. Sachs has received many grants and written 8 books. His current academic interests focus on online learning, social media and telehealth initiatives. He is currently actively involved in a large three-year grant from the Weinberg Foundation that provides remote patient monitoring and many social services to hundreds of individuals in Westchester County and Scranton, Pennsylvania.

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