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Consumer Behaviour and PR

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Language :  English
This book provides an overview of consumer behaviour and public relations. Consumer behaviour is the study of the processes involved in the purchase, use and disposal of products and services.
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This book provides an overview of consumer behaviour and public relations. Consumer behavior is the study of the processes involved in the purchase, use and disposal of products or services. The aim of public relations is to build positive relations between an organisation and its stakeholders. This textbook is an introductory textbook and it is aimed at undergraduate students of marketing. Each chapter in the textbook is enhanced by a series of case studies, both global and Australian, which reflect the changing nature of the marketplace. The textbook also covers contemporary topics such as digital media, social media marketing, sustainable marketing, greenwashing and ethics.

  1. Overview
  2. Case Study: virtual smoking and apps – the new frontier of cigarette marketing communications?
    1. Consumer purchasing process
    2. Problem recognition
    3. Information search
    4. Evaluation of alternatives
    5. Store choice and purchase
    6. Post-purchase behavior
    7. Consumer attitudes
    8. Consumer values
    9. Ethics box: marketers turn to advergames to appeal to children
  3. Perception
    1. Cognition
    2. Learning and memory
    3. External influences on consumer behaviour
    4. Household decision-making
    5. Culture
    6. Reference groups and opinion leaders
    7. Trends in the consumer buying environment
    8. Ethics box: advertiser required to mend ITS wicked ways
    9. Summary
  4. Case Study: male fashion
  5. Case Study: Contiki Australia
  6. Case Study: Pinterest – who am I?
  7. Case Study: Irish whiskey – enjoying a resurgance
  8. Case: White Ribbon New Zealand – using public relations to raise awareness of violence against women
  9. Overview
  10. Public relations
    1. Public relations and stakeholder groups
    2. Corporate social responsibility
    3. Green marketing and green consumer segments
    4. Preventing or reducing image damage
    5. Ethics box – the brand police – a step too far?
  11. Sponsorships
    1. Event marketing
    2. Ethics box: experiential marketing of alcohol
  12. Summary
    1. Case study: the lure of festivals
  13. Case Study: nab, the banking rebel, says it’s time to break up
  14. Case: do shock tactics generate behavioural change?
  15. Case Study: do not knock
About the Author

Dr. Breda McCarthy