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Chemistry: Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy I

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Language :  English
The book covers the physical-chemistry aspects of quantum mechanics and spectroscopy of a typical university degree in chemistry, chemical-physics, chemical engineering, biology or biochemistry.
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The book covers the physical-chemistry aspects of quantum mechanics and spectroscopy in years 1–3 of a typical university degree in chemistry, chemical-physics, chemical engineering, biology or biochemistry. The lectures, tutorials and laboratory experiments I developed and gave on quantum mechanics and spectroscopy to our first, second and third year chemistry students over many years at the Chemistry Department, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland have formed the basis for book. The feedback from students was an important part of this process. The book is also a useful reference source for graduates in their later professional careers. The book has a companion text which has tutorial and workshop questions with full and complete solutions including considerable extra background material that clarifies the solutions.

  1. Quantum Mechanics
    1. The Failures of Classical Mechanics
    2. Wave-Particle Duality of Light
    3. The Bohr Model for the Hydrogen Atom
    4. The Wave-Particle Duality of Matter, the de Broglie Equation
    5. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principles
    6. Physical Meaning of the Wavefunction of a Particle
    7. Schrödinger’s Wave Equation
    8. Comparison of Matter and Light
    9. Spectroscopy and Specific Selection Rules
  2. Pure Rotational Spectroscopy
    1. Rigid Rotor Model for a Diatomic Molecule
    2. Specific Selection Rule for Pure Rotational Spectroscopy
    3. Gross Section Rule for Pure Rotational Spectroscopy
    4. Rotational Motion of Polyatomic Molecules
    5. Intensities of Rotational Lines
  3. Pure Vibrational Spectroscopy
    1. Simple Harmonic Oscillator (SHO) Model for a Vibrating Bond
    2. Anharmonic Model for a Vibrating Molecule
    3. Hot Band Transitions
    4. Vibrational Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules
  4. Vibration-Rotation Spectroscopy
    1. Selection Rules for Vibration-Rotation Transitions
    2. Rotations and Nuclear Statistics
  5. Raman Spectroscopy
    1. Rotational Raman Scattering
    2. Vibrational Raman Scattering
    3. Advantages and Applications of Raman Scattering
  6. Atomic Spectroscopy
    1. Analytical Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy
    2. Atomic Quantum Numbers
    3. Term Symbols, Selection Rules and Spectra of Atoms
    4. Hund’s Rules for Finding the Lower Energy Terms
  7. Electronic Spectra
    1. Term Symbols and Selection Rules for Diatomic Molecules
    2. Vibrational Progressions
    3. Electronic Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules
    4. Decay of Electronically Excited Molecules
    5. Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Molecules
  8. References
  9. List of Formulae
  10. Description of the Text
Nice elementary and basic introduction to quantum mechanics. May help gifted high school and undergraduate students understanding the basic elements of quantum mechanics and the rudiments of modern spectroscopy. Mathematical formalism is kept as low as possible. May be used by colleges and universities as an 1xxx or 2xxx class.
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About the Author

J. E. Parker