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Business Organisations and Agency

Modern Business Law: Parts 5–7

Language :  English
This book deals with the law governing the establishment, operation and regulation of partnerships and companies, as well as the law governing the creation and operation of agency relationships.
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Modern Business Law presents and discusses the essential topics of Business Law in a manner that is easy to follow and understand. It sets out the learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter, enabling the reader to have a clear focus. The book provides practice questions to enable readers test their understanding of the key issues as they go along. A summary of the key issues at the end of each chapter enables a consolidation of knowledge and understanding, while providing a tool for a quick overview of each topic.

Book 1 deals with the essentials of the English legal system, including the sources of English law and the structure and operations of the judicial system. It also deals with the law relating to obligations in the context of contracts, torts and employments.

Book 2 deals with the law governing the establishment, operation and regulation of partnerships and companies, as well as the law governing the creation and operation of agency relationships.

  1. Partnerships
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. The General Partnership
    4. Limited Partnerships
    5. Limited Liability Partnerships
    6. Chapter Summary
    7. Practice Questions
  2. Companies
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Definition of “Company”
    4. Formation of Companies
    5. Registration of Companies
    6. The Company Promoter
    7. Classification of Companies
    8. Chapter Summary
    9. Practice Questions
  3. Corporate Personality
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Corporate Personality
    4. Disadvantages of Incorporation
    5. Lifting or Piercing the Corporate Veil
    6. Corporate Personality and Groups of Companies
    7. Chapter Summary
    8. Practice Questions
  4. Company Constitution And Contractual Capacity
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. The Company Constitution
    4. Company Contractual Capacity
    5. Chapter Summary
    6. Practice Questions
  5. Company Members
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning objectives
    3. Membership of a company
    4. Members’ Meetings
    5. Resolutions
    6. Voting at meetings – s CA
    7. Chapter Summary
    8. Practice Questions
  6. Members’ Powers And The Protection Of Minorities
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Members’ Powers
    4. Protection of Minority Shareholders
    5. Chapter Summary
    6. Practice Questions
  7. Company Directors
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Who is a Director?
    4. Types of Directors
    5. Appointment of Directors
    6. Qualification of Directors
    7. Termination of Directorship
    8. Disqualification of Directors
    9. Powers of Directors
    10. Directors as Fiduciaries
    11. Directors’ Duties
    12. Remedies for Breach of Duty
    13. Chapter Summary
    14. Practice Questions
  8. The Company Secretary And Auditor
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives v
    3. The Company Secretary
    4. The Company Auditor
    5. Chapter Summary
    6. Practice Questions
  9. Company Share Capital
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Definition and Nature of Shares
    4. Classes of Shares
    5. Variation of Class Rights
    6. Allotment of Shares
    7. Pre-emption Right
    8. Maintenance of Share Capital
    9. Chapter Summary
    10. Practice Questions
  10. Company Loan Capital
    1. Meaning of Loan Capital
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Debenture
    4. Charges
    5. Chapter Summary
    6. Practice Questions
  11. Insolvency And Liquidation Companies
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Company Voluntary Arrangement
    4. Receivership
    5. Administration
    6. Compulsory Winding Up
    7. Voluntary Winding Up
    8. Chapter Summary
    9. Practice Questions
  12. Fraudulent, Wrongful And Insider Trading
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Fraudulent Trading
    4. Wrongful Trading
    5. Insider Trading and Market Abuse
    6. Chapter Summary
    7. Practice Questions
  13. Money Laundering, Bribery And Phoenix Companies
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Money Laundering
    4. Bribery
    5. Restriction on the Re-use of Insolvent Companies’ Names
    6. Chapter Summary
    7. Practice Questions
  14. Agency Law
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Types of Agents
    4. Establishment of Agency Relationship
    5. Agents’ Authority
    6. Duties of Agents
    7. Remedies for Agents’ Breach of Duty
    8. Rights of Agents
    9. Liability of Agents
    10. Termination of Agency
    11. Chapter Summary
    12. Practice Questions
About the Author

Lawrence Emeka Modeme