Beatrice Savage
  • Maa: Denmark
  • Number of Titles: 1

Beatrice Savage (26) is studying a Master's programme in International Business Communication at Copenhagen Business School. She is interested in the intersection between communication, HR, management and marketing. Beatrice is currently writing her master thesis, and is investigating the links between strategic storytelling, employer branding and CSR. Privately, Beatrice combines her professional passion with travels to different destinations across the globe to constantly challenge her own perceptions, whether it's for family visits in her second home in West Africa, or it is in a yet unexplored culture, this interest is nurtured. Furthermore, Beatrice's imaginative mind-set drives her to instinctively question status quo in order to drive future innovation and make tomorrow different than yesterday.

Selaa kaikkia kirjoja kriteerillä Beatrice Savage
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