Anders Hjorth
  • Maa: France
  • Number of Titles: 1
  • Ota yhteyttä kirjailijaan:

Digital marketing strategist, writer, entrepreneur, Anders Hjorth is a frequent speaker on search engine marketing and Amazon marketing, as well as a judge on various industry awards in the area of search marketing, social media marketing and content marketing. He is also a member of the board of the Paid Search Association.
Anders is the founder of Innovell. Provider of Digital Marketing Insights. Innovell has created four research reports that Anders has authored and co-authored:
Major Trends in Paid Search
Paid Search Strategies
Marketing on Amazon
Digital Marketing in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous World
Anders was the Founder of several Digital Marketing agencies in Paris: Relevant Traffic [Search Marketing], BDBL MEDIA [Biddable Media] and aznos [Content Marketing] acquired by Altima in 2016 and then Accenture in 2017. Anders was also COO at GroupM Search across EMEA. He has worked for over 2 decades across SEO, Paid Search, Affiliate marketing, Social Media, Social Ads, Content Marketing, Display and Programmatic and also web development, hosting & domain names.

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