Valeria Miglioli
  • Maa: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 28
  • Ota yhteyttä kirjailijaan:

Valeria Miglioli is an award-winning designer specialising in children’s toys and gifts. 

Her passion for design spans over 20 years since she first discovered this exciting world when studying in Italy. 

Over the years, she has been responsible for process planning and management of all aspects of Product Development with pre-determined timelines and knowledge of all safety aspects. From concept to production, 2D and 3D illustrations and printing artworks as well as sourcing and liaising with manufacturers for product sampling, developments, quality control, and mass production.

As a mother of two young children, she has a special insight into what children enjoy playing with and understanding of the way they engage in play and interact with each other and with adults.

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