Myra Josue Salapare
  • Maa: United States
  • Number of Titles: 1
  • Ota yhteyttä kirjailijaan:

Myra Josue Salapare is a healthcare professional with over 20 years of experience in both the clinical and business settings. She has her Bachelors of Science in Nursing from Northeastern University, her Masters in Public Administration with a concentration in Health Administration from Suffolk University, and her Doctor of Philosophy in Organization and Management from Capella University.

Myra has worked in Healthcare IT for over 20 years managing technical and project managements teams, with over 13 years of those as a virtual team member. Her healthcare background includes customer success, sales enablement, client development, account management, implementations, process development, product design, product development, and consulting with key roles in senior management positions as a virtual (remote) employee.

Her interest in virtual team effectiveness came about when she was deciding on her doctoral dissertation research at Capella. At that point, she was already a virtual team member and attending classes virtually at Capella so that piqued her interest to do more research on the subject. Her doctoral dissertation was on virtual team management titled A Case Study: Perceptions of Virtual Team Effectiveness.

On a personal level, Myra is a mother of identical twin girls. She enjoys traveling and spending time with family.

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