Ben Renshaw
  • Maa: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 1
  • Ota yhteyttä kirjailijaan:

Ben Renshaw is one of today’s foremost leadership thinkers. Speaker, coach and author, Ben’s innovative worth leading organisations, senior executives and entrepreneurs has brought him international acclaim. Formerly a classical violinist, Ben now plays a different tune getting the best out of people. He writes about how to lead and be successful in today's volatile world and is the author of ten popular books including LoveWork, Being, and SuperCoaching. As an executive coach and leadership consultant Ben has worked with clients like Allen & Overy, Barclays, BT, Heathrow, Heinz, Henley Business School, InterContinental Hotels Group, KPMG, London Underground, M&S, P&G, Sainsbury's, Sky, UBS, Unilever.

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