Nick Isles
  • Instituutio: Corporate Agenda
  • Maa: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 3
  • Ota yhteyttä kirjailijaan:

Nick is Managing Director of Corporate Agenda an advice and consultancy business working with clients across the private, public and voluntary sectors. His clients past and present include Tesco plc; Axa PLC; Berkeley Group plc; Asda plc; AMEC;  the United Kingdom's Meteorological Office; Compass; City & Guilds Group; and many universities.  He is Chair of the High Pay Centre and Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. He is also a qualified Executive Coach. He was formerly a Director at The Work Foundation, a leading UK think tank. He has researched, written and spoken on a wide range of issues that include strategy, change management, skills, employment, leadership, corporate governance and CSR. He has contributed and placed articles and comment in a wide range of media including the Financial Times, the Economist, on all major broadcast news bulletins, The Guardian, The Times, Daily Telegraph, Independent and all the main Sunday papers as well as many specialist and regional media.

Nick’s last book, The 7 Steps to Frontier Leadership was published by Book boon in 2017. What Kind of World do we Want? was published in 2015 and The Good Work Guide: How to make Organisations Fairer and More Effective was published in February 2010 and was described by Professor Robert Reich as an ‘excellent and timely resource’.

Nick was the general editor of Enterprising Europe (2002) and the author or co-author of several Work Foundation reports including ‘Greening Work’ (2008); The Risk Myth (2006), Life at the Top (2005), Where are the Gaps? An analysis of UK skills policy (2005), Cracking the Performance Code (2005), Understanding the High Performance Workplace, The Joy of Work (2004) and Achieving High Performance through CSR (2004).

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