Dr. Miltiadis A. Boboulos
  • Maa: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 4

I am an Engineering Science lecturer within the Department of Mechanical Engineering in the TEI of Kavala and Halkida, Greece and also a researcher in the Energy and Environmental Engineering Research Group. My research areas are those of design and modelling of biomass fuelled combustion plant and assessment methods for cleaner production processes.

I am committed to actions to support Sustainable Development, in particular with emphasis on energy based subjects. Past work included research in biomass combustion, fire spread, life cycle analysis and modelling of air flows in respiratory systems.

I have been also investigating biomass combustion and pyrolysis at low temperature and in flames to obtain information about pyrolysis and char burnout kinetics. This work included fundamental studies of catalytic metal release, their fate and behaviour during thermal processing of biomass, as well as characterisation of biomass materials and waste woods.

Research also involved examining emissions from solid fuel combustion and gasification, by investigating the mechanisms of remobilisation of nitrogen and transformations between nitrogen-containing compounds in pine litter and its impact on emissions from conversion applications. For this purpose the products obtained from pyrolysis under oxidising and reducing conditions of pine litter were examined. Work included characterisation of the chars produced, and the form of nitrogen.

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