Arina Nikitina
  • Maa: United States
  • Number of Titles: 4
  • Ota yhteyttä kirjailijaan:

Arina Nikitina is a Latvian-born business psychologist, author of several books, personal coach, marketing and goal setting expert.  

At the age of 18 she started her own online business, that became one of the Google’s top resources on goal setting and achievement, accumulating over 90 thousand subscribers. A few years later she sold it to pursue career of a Business and Marketing coach. 

For over two decades Arina has been been consulting entrepreneurs, managers and international companies on how to boost profits, create value, launch innovative products and services and well as achieve personal growth. 

Arina has published and co-authored numerous books and resources in the areas of leadership, persuasion, marketing, innovation, public speaking, wellness, motivation, and success. She has also helped to position and launch several successful start-ups, including, and

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