Professional eBook

Analyse Data with Excel Tables

Master Excel Tables to Manage and Analyse your Data

Language :  English
Excel Tables is for Excel users who have to manage and analyse tabular data in Excel and want to learn faster, more efficient and effective ways to manage, format, manipulate and analyse their data.
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It should be no surprise that the most common use of Excel is to manage, analyse and interpret data. In fact, Forrester Research claims data is “the new currency of business.” Put simply; learning to handle data is critical to your career.However, most users simply don't leverage Excel to its fullest potential. Excel 'Tables' provide additional functionality and superior formulas to manage and analyse your data.Discover the features of Excel ‘Tables’ so you can better manage and analyse your data and learn how much easier it is to format, sort, filter and analyse your data than ever before.

About the Author

Marcus has been an Excel Consultant & VBA Developer for over 20 years, working with business people (perhaps like you) solving real business problems with Excel & VBA. He has consulted & developed Excel solutions for businesses with 2 staff all the way to 200,000 in a wide range of industries. Prior to consulting, Marcus worked as a corporate trainer teaching frustrated office workers how to get more out of Excel, Word & Access. Visit Marcus' website to discover how your Excel skills can advance your career (and income) or Excel based solutions can save your business time, money and stress.

  • About the author
  • Preface
  1. Introduction
    1. Who this Book is For
    2. What this Book Includes
    3. How to Download the Sample Workbooks
  2. Introducing Excel Tables
    1. What is an Excel Table
    2. How Tables Differ from Normal Lists
  3. Top 10 Benefits of Excel Tables
    1. Tables are Easy to Create
    2. Tables are Easy to Select and Refer to
    3. Tables are Dynamic
    4. Tables Have Slicers
    5. Tables Have Calculated Columns
    6. Tables Have Structured References
    7. Tables Have a Total Row
    8. Table Column Names are Always Visible
    9. Tables Have Preformatted Styles
    10. You Can Combine Data from Multiple Tables
  4. Anatomy of an Excel Table
    1. Different Parts of an Excel Table
    2. Table Constraints
  5. Creating Excel Tables
    1. Insert Ribbon Tab
    2. Format as Table
    3. Quick Analysis Menu
    4. Keyboard Shortcut
  6. Naming an Excel Table
    1. Why Name Your Tables
    2. How to Name Your Table
    3. Rules for Table Names
  7. Formatting Excel Tables
    1. Table Format Styles
    2. Removing the Table Format
    3. Table Style Options
    4. Creating a Custom Table Format Style
    5. Modifying a Custom Table Style Format
  8. Working with Excel Tables
    1. Navigating around an Excel Table
    2. Selecting Areas of an Excel Table
    3. Adding Rows or Columns
    4. Deleting Rows or Columns
    5. Moving Columns or Rows
  9. Summarise with the Total Row
    1. Displaying the Total Row in an Excel Table
    2. How to Change the Summary Formula
    3. Filtering and the Subtotal Function
  10. Managing Data in an Excel Table
    1. Copying & Pasting Data to a Table
    2. How to Remove Duplicates from a Table
  11. Sorting, Filtering & Slicing a Table
    1. How to Sort an Excel Table
    2. How to Filter an Excel Table
    3. Using Slicers with an Excel Table
  12. Analysing Tables with Formulas
    1. Structured References in Excel Tables
    2. How to Turn Off Structured Referencing
    3. Creating Formulas inside an Excel Table
    4. Using COUNTIF Formulas with Tables
    5. Using SUMIF Formulas with Tables
    6. Using vlookup formulas on an Excel Table
    7. Dynamically Reference Columns with vlookup
  13. Working with Multiple Tables
    1. Connecting Tables
    2. Creating Relationships between two Tables
    3. Creating a Single Report from Multiple Tables
  14. Advanced Techniques
    1. How to Add an ID Column of Sequential Numbers
    2. How to Add a Running Total to a Table
    3. How to Prevent Duplicate Values in a Column
  15. Keyboard Shortcuts
    1. Keyboard Shortcuts for working with Tables
About the Author

Marcus Syben