Amanda Daniels-Allen
  • Maa: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 1

Amanda Daniels-Allen who is the Founder of Koogar, the Creator of The Marketing Oracle Card Deck and an Award-Winning Marketing Architect providing integrated marketing solutions and specialising in customer journey strategies for businesses who have a mission, want to challenge existing constructs and are ready to take their business to the next level.
I understand what it is like to build a business and fall out of love with it. It’s not the businesses’ fault, but our own and it’s because we don’t know who we are anymore. I help passionate and purpose led entrepreneurs, from global brands to small businesses to connect the dots by putting an order to your chaos and giving you crystalline clarity. Growing organically, sustainably and unapologetically is what you want and that is what I’m here to help you achieve! Helping you create an authentic brand without compromise by constructing your own Marketing Eco-System™.

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