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Yulanda Duff
  • País: United Kingdom
  • Número de títulos: 1
  • Contacta con el autor:

Yulanda is the founder and CEO of TMI Lifestyle, a business with its foundations in bespoke value add course curation with a focus on ED&I. Her expertise spans e-learning course curation, digital and in-person workshop curation and training and delivery as well as general ED&I consultancy.

Her experience in the course delivery industry is vast and varied. Along with the course delivery arm of her business, she also fronts a business and lifestyle podcast of the same name where she engages with guests on their topics of expertise to help young entrepreneurs and established businesses gain insight along their business growth journey.

She has worked closely with The Cheshire and Warrington LEP, including sitting as the current Co-Chair of the Engagement board, which seeks to help the main boards towards their goal of making Cheshire and Warrington the healthiest, most sustainable, inclusive and fastest growing economy in the UK.

Most recently, Yulanda took home the Start Up National Series, “Graduate Business of the Year” award as well as being nominated for the Northern Power Women’s “2023 Future’s List.” She also lends her expertise to the non-profit organisation “Girls in Charge” where she functions as the PR Director and course facilitator, working to upskill young women in entrepreneurship though gamified workshops.

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