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Virtual Working

Best Practice Guide

22m 58s
Idioma :  English
Working from home can be a daunting experience and at times can be a real struggle. Nat Schooler covers the things you should and shouldn't do to have a good work life balance.
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Working from home can be a daunting experience and at times can be a real struggle. Nat Schooler covers the things you should and shouldn't do to have a good work life balance.

About the Author

Nat Schooler is a Futuristic Podcast Host, International Best Selling Author, Entrepreneur & Trusted Advisor. Nat has been recognized as an expert in his field with 250+ Interviews and collaborations with Michael Tobin OBE, Kim-Adele Platts, Stanley Tucci and other luminaries.

He has been recognized by LinkedIn as one of its Power Profile Award winners and is the author of "Podcast Recipe" which was awarded #1 on Amazon's Hot New Releases list. Nat’s clients have included IBM, Google, Microsoft, Oracle and Brother Printers.

Nat believes that people need to be empowered to create their own success by overcoming obstacles and designing their lives for personal or business success.

His tone of voice is professional yet engaging – knowledgeable yet warm. It doesn't take long before you are compelled by his infectious enthusiasm for life.

Sobre el Autor

Nat Schooler