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Virtual Communication

Interview with Amy Freshman

19m 56s
Idioma :  English
Developing relationships helps facilitate effective virtual communication. According to Amy Freshman the key is to build a global network that can provide guidance when dealing with unknown situations
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Developing relationships helps facilitate effective virtual communication. According to Amy Freshman, a senior HR leader focused on flexible working, the key is to build a global network that can provide guidance when dealing with unknown situations. Setting expectations opens a dialogue for more efficient time management and project delivery. Hear from Amy about:1.   How to effectively develop relationships 2.   How to set expectations when it comes to virtual communication 3.   How to build a global network

About the Author

Biana Kovic, MS, BA is the Executive Director, NY of the Artistic Dreams International Inc., the Executive Director of the National Association of Women Artists, NLP coach, and the producer/host of the Leadership with Biana Kovic Show. Biana holds MS in Educational Psychology and Methodology from University at Albany, SUNY; BA in Music from the University of Musical Arts in Belgrade, Serbia; and a Master Certificate in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).

Sobre el Autor

Biana Kovic