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Libro Electrónico de ámbito Profesional

Staying Relevant in The Workplace

Develop Lifelong Learning Mindsets

Idioma :  English
This eBook is written by the Global Chief Learning Officer at McKinsey & Co. In this book, he outlines 6 L&D practices for creating a continuous learning mindset in your company.
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The acceleration of technology will shorten the shelve life of existing knowledge, expertise and skills. Many people need to develop different competencies and become lifelong learners. This book will introduce the reader to 7 lifelong learning mindsets which need to be embraced by people. 

  1.  Lifelong Learning 
  2.  Individuals: become lifelong learners
  3.  Mindset: Focus on growth 
  4.  Mindset: Become a serial master 
  5.  Mindset: Stretch 
  6. Mindset: Build your personal brand & network 
  7.  Mindset: Own your development 
  8.  Mindset: Do what you love 
Sobre el Autor

Dr. J. Brassey