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Must-Have Content for Your Business Website

Increase Web Conversions by Giving Customers What They Want

23m 46s
Idioma :  English
Website content either attracts your ideal customers, or it drives them away. Learn the key questions you need to be asking (and answering) to increase sales and engagement on your business website.
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Website content either attracts your ideal customers, or it drives them away. Learn the key questions you need to be asking (and answering) to increase sales and engagement on your business website. Learn why website content positively or negatively impacts customer engagement, search engine optimization, email marketing, and conversions. Discover how to look at your website differently, answer the questions people are asking, and leverage customer reviews and testimonials.

About the Author

Jen McFarland is a compassionate champion of entrepreneurs, founders, and business owners. She has more than 25 years of experience in leadership, digital marketing, and tech project planning across corporate, nonprofit, and government arenas.As CEO of Women Conquer Business, she consults with businesses on configuring marketing software and processes to suit their unique growth needs.

Sobre el Autor

Jennifer McFarland