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Libro Electrónico de ámbito Profesional

How to succeed from failure to failure

My story on surviving failure

Idioma :  English
In this book the concept of success is developed from the perspective of acknowledging failure as a natural fact not only in our personal life but also in our business life.
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On this book the concept of success is developed from the perspective of acknowledging failure as a natural fact not only in our personal life but also in our business life. Vindicating Failure as a much-needed experience to achieve success. Becoming aware of this will help you to face every difficulty that might arise and will allow us to correct mistakes and reinforce our potential values.

About the author

My work has always been linked to communication and marketing. I have thrived in creative positions working for markitng agencies such as McCann-Erickson and Lintas, as a Creative Director for Norman, Craig&Kummel, as an International Vicepresident for Foote, Cone&Blendin and as Founder and President of La Banda de Agustín Medina. Speaker and author of 12 books about publicity, marketing, creativity, motivation, branding, strategy, digital and social media.

  1. About the Author
  2. Introduction
  3. Living with Failure
  4. Success and Intelligence
  5. Taking Advantage of Opportunities 
  6. The Right Moment
  7. Trying Again
  8. Controlling Ambition
Sobre el Autor

Agustín Medina Fernández