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How to Measure and Manage Productivity

19m 42s
Idioma :  English
Julie Hogbin talks about the 6-stage process to measure and mange productivity from preparation to result. Including how your own personal standard can get in the way.
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Julie Hogbin shares and expands on the 6-stage process to measure and manage productivity. Starting with the preparation and ending with the result. Is it quality or quantity you want to measure, and are your personal standards creating burnout in your co-workers? Regardless of in the ‘office’ or working ‘remotely’, the same principles are applied. After all, if you can’t measure it you cant manage it. What does your focus pay attention to? That will be your result both positive, negative in business and life.#BusinessTalks #ConsciousLeadership for Business and Life

Sobre el Autor

Julie Hogbin