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How to Manage Yourself so You Get More Done

19m 18s
Idioma :  English
Reminds us that time is our most precious resource and challenges us on how we spend it. Takes us through the steps that will help us focus on our most important activities so we get more done.
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In this episode Ros reminds us that time is our most precious resource: once it’s gone it’s gone. It’s not possible to manage time, only ourselves and the way we choose to spend our time. Most of us go through our days consciously distracting ourselves from doing the things we need to do or reacting to urgent stuff from others. Ros guides the listener through steps to (i) analyse how we really use our time, (ii) determine what we need to stop doing, what we need to start doing and how to prioritise our to-do lists, and (iii) proactively design our most productive days. Accountability is key.

About the Author

Ros Jones has over 20 years of broad commercial experience before setting up her own business coaching practice in 2013. She’s helped thousands of individuals achieve their goals and take their business to the next level. Her clients achieve growth in profitability accomplished through improvements in sales, marketing, team training, systems development, strategic planning and shifts in mindset.

Sobre el Autor

Ros Jones