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How to Improve your Workplace Wellness: Volume III

Personal Wellness Actions

Idioma:  English
This is the 3rd of the 3-volume practical book on managing Workplace Wellness containing personal wellness actions that complement the Wellness Approach detailed in volumes 1 and 2.
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This is the 3rd of the 3-volume practical book on managing and improving Workplace Wellness by applying ancient Greek wisdom to today’s difficult issues of wellness and stress. This volume complements volume 1 and 2 and contains a set of actions to improve your personal wellness which are based on the Principles of ancient Greek wisdom of: Temperance; Faith; Justice; Harmony; Friendship; Goodness; Kindness; and Courage. An example of these actions are:

Know your true self; Put happiness in your life; Improve your self-management; Improve your personal education and learning aspects; Manage your personal time better; and Rework your personal history and improve your mind with NLP.

  1. Personal Audit and Wellness Improvement Plan
  2. Improving Personal Wellness with Temperance Actions
  3. Improving Personal Wellness with Spirituality Actions
  4. Improving Personal Wellness with Actions related to Relationships
  5. Improving Personal Wellness with Resilience Actions
  6. Personal Wellness Evaluation Plan
Sobre el Autor

John Kyriazoglou