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Hilbertrum og Operatorer på Hilbertrum

Funktionalanalyse Eksempler c-3

Idioma :  Danish
In this book you find the basic mathematics that is needed by engineers and university students .
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In this book you find the basic mathematics that is needed by engineers and university students . The author will help you to understand the meaning and function of mathematical concepts. The best way to learn it, is by doing it, the exercises in this book will help you do just that.

Topics as Topological, metric, Hilbert and Banach spaces and Spectral Theory are illustrated.

  1. Hilbertrum
    1. Indre produktrum
    2. Hilbertrum
    3. Fourierrækker
    4. Konstruktion af Hilbertrum
    5. Ortogonale projektioner og komplement
    6. Svag konvergens
  2. Operatorer på Hilbertrum
    1. Generelt om operatorer på Hilbertrum
    2. Afsluttende operatorer
Sobre el Autor

Leif Mejlbro