categorías corporativa
Contenido de Audio

Time Management Simplified

A Quick and Easy Way to Improve your Time Management

17m 52s
Idioma :  English
This audio gives you a simple way of thinking about how you use your time and gets you thinking about what you could change that will suit you.
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Time is a valuable commodity. You can never get back once it has gone. You can’t slow it down or speed it up or save it.

All you can do is use the time you have effectively. Good time management allows you to achieve what you want to do and need to do. It allows you to focus on what is important rather than being distracted by the numerous small things that come your way. This lowers stress levels and makes you in control.But trying to improve your time management can take time and increase your stress levels if not approached in the right way. This audio gives you a simple way of thinking about how you use your time and gets you thinking about what you could change that will suit you.
Sobre el Autor

Sandy Leong