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Launching a new idea, career or endeavour

How to Position Yourself for Success

20m 28s
Idioma :  English
Everyone is in the process of launching something. According to Sanyin Siang, CEO Coach, adaptability and agility are the two key traits that help effectively deal with changes.
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Everyone is in the process of launching something due to external changes. According to Sanyin Siang, CEO Coach and Author of The Launch Book, the two key traits that help effectively deal with changes are adaptability and agility. Additionally, our ability to reevaluating assumptions and ask the right questions can help us effectively deal with the unpredictable world that has become more volatile, uncertain, chaotic, and ambiguous (VUCA). Sanyin shares: 1. How to overcome a fear of failure. 2. Understand your values and why(s). 3. Understand the right mindset needed for a successful launch. 5. How to build your tribe. 6. How to keep moving forward.
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Biana Kovic