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Expert Talk: AI in Business - the Real Scoop

With Adjunct Professor Dan Yarmoluk

27m 31s
Idioma :  English
Today I’m joined by Dan Yarmoluk and we talked about the latest updates on what’s happening in machine learning and AI.
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Artificial intelligence and machine learning are both powerful tools that any company can use to streamline their business, efficiency, increase profits and reduce risks. However, it is important not to consume all of the hype surrounding these nascent technologies. Therefore for those who want a more balanced outlook on what artificial intelligence really is and how you should integrate it into your business model using skills from adjunct professor and AI expert Dan Yarmoluk.

About the Author

Nat Schooler is a Futuristic Podcast Host, International Best Selling Author, Entrepreneur & Trusted Advisor. Nat has been recognized as an expert in his field with 250+ Interviews and collaborations with Michael Tobin OBE, Kim-Adele Platts, Stanley Tucci and other luminaries.

He has been recognized by LinkedIn as one of its Power Profile Award winners and is the author of "Podcast Recipe" which was awarded #1 on Amazon's Hot New Releases list. Nat’s clients have included IBM, Google, Microsoft, Oracle and Brother Printers.

Sobre el Autor

Nat Schooler