Libro Electrónico de ámbito Profesional

Excel for Microsoft 365: Charts

Workbook 3

Idioma :  English
In this ebook you learn as an end user of Excel for Microsoft 365 how to design clarifying and beautiful formatted charts, predictive trendlines, and insightful sparklines from your numerical data.
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‘A picture is worth a thousand words’, or in this case: ‘…a thousand numbers’. It is not quite easy to draw conclusions from a large number of figures in a worksheet. Charts representing the numbers give a lot more insight and overview. In this user guide you learn how to design comprehensible charts in Excel for Microsoft 365, which (combined) types you can choose from, and how to add the required captions. Further, this ebook discusses how to discover trends in your figures by drawing trendlines or sparklines. By using charts your models and figures can get more predictive power.

About the Author

Peter Scharpff is oorspronkelijk afkomstig uit de computer-linguïstische hoek. Zijn wetenschappelijke focus lag op de interactie tussen mens en machine, vooral op de spraak- en taaltechnische kant daarvan. Behalve het ontwikkelen van materiaal voor trainingsdoeleinden op het gebied van kantoorautomatisering, heeft hij ook vele publicaties op zijn naam staan over algemenere onderwerpen als digitale veiligheid, privacy, hardware, programmeren, webdesign, telewerken, sociale netwerken, en dergelijke.


Peter Scharpff originates from the scientific computer-linguistic field focussing on the interaction between man and machine, especially on speech and language engineering. After that he started to develop training material for office automation. In the last few decades he has also created many publications on more general topics such as digital security, privacy, hardware, programming, web design, teleworking, social networks, and the like.

  • About the author
  1. Introduction
    1. Design
    2. Notation
    3. Software
  2. Charts
    1. Introduction
    2. Creating a chart
    3. Updating
  3. Formatting charts
    1. Introduction
    2. Format
    3. Customising
    4. Formatting risks
    5. Axes
    6. Tips
  4. Chart templates
    1. Introduction
    2. Creating a template
    3. Applying a template
    4. Exercise
  5. Combined charts
    1. Introduction
    2. Series
    3. Strange images
    4. Formatting
  6. Trendlines
    1. Introduction
    2. Discover Trends
    3. Predictions
    4. Exercises
  7. Sparklines
    1. Introduction
    2. Dependency
    3. Data table
    4. Special formatting
    5. Other Sparks
    6. Exercise
  • That’s it
  • Appendix

Gain skills to create, format, and customize charts in Excel for Microsoft 365. Understand the application of different chart types and combination of charts. Learn to analyze trends using tools like trendlines. Learn to save and apply chart templates for efficient chart creation.

Sobre el Autor

Dr. Peter J. Scharpff RI