categorías precio corporativa
Libro Electrónico de ámbito Profesional

Corporate Wellness

Management and Evaluation Toolkit

Idioma:  English
This tool kit contains a methodology and questionnaires to support you in improving your workplace wellness.
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This toolkit contains a set of tools (methodology, questionnaires, and evaluation approach) to facilitate your efforts in assessing and improving the wellness of your workplace and in the process also improve the wellbeing of your employees.

  1. Corporate Wellbeing Improvement Plan
  2. Occupational Stress and Wellness Policies
    1. Occupational Stress Policy
    2. Workplace Wellness Policy
  3. Board and General Management Roles
    1. Roles of the Board of Directors
    2. Roles of Managers
    3. Occupational Health Data Officer Responsibilities
  4. Occupational Stress and Wellness Performance Measures
  5. Occupational Stress Audit Questionnaires
  6. Corporate Wellness Audit Questionnaires
  7. Occupational Stress Improvement Plan
  8. Conclusion: Practical ways to improve your workplace wellness
  9. Endnotes
  10. Appendix 1: Workplace Wellness Approach
  11. Books by the Author
  12. Author’s Biography
Sobre el Autor

John Kyriazoglou