Anger and conflict in the workplace – unless properly managed – can lead to untold damage both to the organisation and the individuals involved.
For many people, conflict is something to be avoided at all costs. As a result, they may find themselves backing away from situations where they should ideally be taking control; and may even find their own situation or former neutrality compromised as a result.
If any of this sounds familiar, or if you find yourself exposed to particular people, personalities or circumstances that make you wish you possessed the skills and tools to manage them better, then you will find everything you need in the following pages.
This practical management toolkit will increase your knowledge of everything from the theory of violence and aggression, and how to manage different types of conflict in the workplace, to the best ways of dealing with notoriously difficult personality types.
The result will be that you will be able to increase your assertiveness and self-esteem; improve the performance of your team; and develop a work environment that will be of benefit to your colleagues and yourself.
Anger, violence and aggression are the antithesis of creativity, productivity and respect. Use these tools to help to minimise the former - and maximise the latter.
Full acknowledgement is given to my colleague Gerry Jackson for his input into this toolkit.