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Complex Functions c-1

Examples concerning Complex Numbers

(11 calificaciones )
Idioma :  English
In this textbook you find examples from the Theory of Complex Functions. This book requires knowledge of Calculus 1 and Calculus 2.
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In this textbook you find examples from the Theory of Complex Functions.

This book requires knowledge of Calculus 1 and Calculus 2.

This is the first book containing examples from the Theory of Complex Functions. All the following books will have this book as their background. Even if I have tried to be careful about this text, it is impossible to avoid errors, in particular in the first edition. It is my hope that the reader will show some understanding of my situation.

Leif Mejlbro

27th May 2008

  • Introduction
  1. The complex numbers
  2. Polar form of complex numbers
  3. The binomial equation
  4. Equations of second degree
  5. Rational and multiple roots in polynomials
  6. Symbolic currents and voltages
  7. Geometrical point sets
Sobre el Autor

Leif Mejlbro