categorías precio corporativa
Mike Phipps
  • Institución: Politics at Work
  • País: United Kingdom
  • Número de títulos: 7
  • Contacta con el autor:

Mike is a professionally qualified facilitator, consultant and trainer with over 20 years’ global experience in delivering high quality learning and development interventions to organisations. 

He is one of Europe’s leading experts in power, influence, negotiation and organisational politics. He helps leaders and managers identify their personal power and influence and to navigate organisational politics more effectively.

Mike is BookBoon author of 21 Sources of Power at Work.  He is also co-author of 21 Dirty Tricks at Work (2006), Political Dilemmas at Work (2008) and sole author of 21 Dirty Tricks at Work (Again!) (2016). He recently published  21 Dirty Tricks in Negotiation (2017) and 21 Dirty Tricks in Sales, both co written with Spoken Word Ltd consultant Frances Tipper. All these titles are available from Amazon and other booksellers. He has also been published in various trade magazines including a front cover article for Training Journal that featured the power research quoted in 21 Sources of Power at Work.

Mike is married with two teenage boys who have taught him more about power, influence (and manipulation) than any other learning opportunity. He is also a songwriter for the UK based band The Reform Club.

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