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Libro Electrónico de ámbito Profesional

An Introduction to Sales

(24 calificaciones )
Idioma :  English
From where to start in the sales industry, the rewards and the training, the book covers selling skills, personal skills with examples, and ends by highlighting what is success in a sales career.
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From where to start in the sales industry, the rewards and the training, the book covers selling skills, personal skills with examples, and ends by highlighting what is success in a sales career.

About the author

Peter Kleyn has worked for more than 40 years in sales and marketing. Since 1991 he has been running his own company supplying sales and management training, mentoring and coaching to many types of organisation. Peter is a trainer, mentor and a qualified Master Coach, specialising in sales improvement. He has written his own sales courses and workshops and also a unique online sales assessment tool. He often gives public presentations on a range of sales related issues.

  • About the Author
  • Introduction
  1. Where to start?
  2. Training and development
  3. Sales skills
  4. Closing
  5. Personal skills
  6. What indicates success in sales?
  • Bibliography
Sobre el Autor

Peter Kleyn