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Libro Electrónico de ámbito Profesional

Am I Happy with Myself?

Turn Fear into Fuel and Fire up your Self Esteem

Idioma :  English
Do you often feel that life is not giving you all that you are worth? Grow healthy, resilient self-esteem and gain the life you truly deserve. Become a more calm, confident, centered and happier you.
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Do you often find yourself trying extra hard, getting annoyed or being too self-critical? Do you eat, drink, smoke, diet, gamble or shop too much? Do others make you feel inadequate, taken for granted or last priority? You know deep down that you are worth much more but often feel blocked or unappreciated. It’s high time for a change and gain the life you truly deserve. So, how do you fill your own cup when all your time is spent filling others? Resilient inner confidence is fundamental to being happy at work, home, socially and with yourself. Learn how with unique, straight forward step-by-step exercises to weed out the fears, grow a healthier mindset and develop rock solid self-esteem.

About the author

Nazish S. Qazi, MSc.

Life Coach, Business Trainer and Author Nazish has helped countless people to turn their lives around from all levels, backgrounds and nationalities. She has worked with a multitude of businesses over the last three decades and specialized in training and development since 1996. With Business Psychology training, a multicultural background and an alternative approach, her books offer realistic methods and unique coaching tools along with down-to-earth advice.

  • About the author
  1. Being Happy With Yourself
    1. Common Misconceptions
    2. Genuine Inner Happiness
    3. Freedom to Be You
    4. The Tools
  2. Underneath the Layers
    1. A Measure of Self Esteem
    2. Self Identity
    3. The Whole of You
    4. Changing Aspects
  3. Hidden Dragons
    1. The Dragon’s Way
    2. Types of Dragon
    3. The Dragon’s Role
    4. Retraining the Dragon
  4. Super Charge Your Self Worth
    1. Valuing My Achievements
    2. Accepting My Body
    3. Appreciating My Qualities
    4. Acknowledging My Unique Self
  5. Your Authentic Self
    1. The Genuine You
    2. Forgiveness and Freedom
    3. Affirm Your Happiness
  • End notes
  • Resources
Sobre el Autor

Nazish S. Qazi