Professional eBook

Word 365 for Desktop

How to Make the Most of Microsoft Word

Language :  English
Learn how to leverage Microsoft Word on your Desktop enabling you to create stunning documents with little fuss.
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Do your colleagues create amazing documents that look professional leaving you wanting to know just how they did that without having to ask?Look no further than this book. Full of time saving tips and step by step instructions, showing you how to use Microsoft Word 365 on your Desktop or Laptop.Learn how to create stunning documents that include a cover page, Table of Contents, and an Index. Work with images and add captions. Find out how to add text automatically to your document and how to correct those pesky spelling mistakes too.

About the Author

Known as The MS Office Maestro, Shelley has been a Microsoft Office trainer for over 20 years, delivering face to face training sessions, presenting at events and training people remotely with various online tools. Helping you keep up to date with Microsoft Office is her passion. Shelley does this via her Virtual Live training sessions, webinars and her suite of self-paced courses. Shelley is a Fellow of The Learning and Performance Institute and holds the COLF (Certified Online Learning Facilitator) and CDOL (Certified Designer of Online Learning) qualifications from The LPI.

  1. About the Author
  2. What is Microsoft 365?
    1. The content of this book
  3. The interface
    1. To see or not to see
  4. The Quick Access Toolbar
    1. Adding icons to the Quick Access Toolbar
  5. The Home ribbon
  6. The Insert ribbon
  7. The Draw ribbon
  8. The Design ribbon
  9. The Layout ribbon
  10. The References ribbon
  11. The Mailings ribbon
  12. The Review ribbon
  13. The View ribbon
  14. The Developer ribbon
  15. Backstage view
    1. The Home tab
    2. The Info tab
    3. Save a Copy
    4. Print
    5. Share
    6. Export
    7. Account
    8. Feedback
    9. Options
  16. Setting up the Microsoft Word environment
  17. Starting from the normal template
    1. Starting from a template
    2. The Home screen
    3. Search for a template
  18. Setting up the document
    1. Margins and page size
    2. 1Creating custom margins
    3. Changing the paper size
  19. Formatting
    1. The font group
    2. The Paragraph group
  20. Styles
    1. What are styles and why should I care?
    2. Where can I find styles?
    3. Format painter
    4. The Clipboard group
    5. Bullets and numbering
  21. Multi-level numbering
  22. Headers and footers
    1. Insert a header
    2. The header and footer ribbon
    3. Complex page numbers
    4. Insert group on header and footer ribbon
  23. Page numbering via the Insert Ribbon
  24. Templates
    1. Create a new document based on a Microsoft template
    2. Start from one of your own templates
    3. Create and save a template
    4. Ensuring your templates are always available
    5. Scenario four
    6. Modify a template
  25. Building blocks and quick parts
    1. Cover pages
    2. Insert a built-in cover page
    3. Modify and insert a cover page
    4. Remove a cover page from a document
    5. Delete a cover page from the gallery
    6. Quick parts
    7. Auto text
  26. Document properties
    1. Fields
  27. Page breaks
    1. Working with page breaks
    2. Controlling automatic page breaks
    3. Allow/prevent page breaks in a table row
    4. Delete a page break
  28. All kinds of Breaks in your document
    1. Page break
    2. Different headers and footers for different sections
  29. References
    1. Table of contents
  30. Footnotes and endnotes
  31. Search
  32. Researcher
  33. Citation and bibliography
    1.  Add a citation to your document
    2. Create a bibliography
    3. Add a new citation and source to a document
    4.  Assemble a Bibliography
  34. Index
    1. Add an Index
    2. Mark index entries
  35. Images
    1. Working with images in Microsoft Word
    2. Where do my pictures come from?
    3. Insert a picture
    4. Picture corrections
    5. Format picture with the task pane
    6. Alternative text – alt text
  36. Adding shapes
    1.  Adding a shape
    2. Adding text to shapes
  37. Text boxes
  38. Adding SmartArt
    1. Different kinds of SmartArt
    2. How to use Smart Art to create a hierarchy
  39. The illustrations group of icons
    1. Insert icons
    2. Add 3D models
    3. Add a chart
    4. Add a screenshot
    5. Reuse files
    6.  Add-ins
    7. Media – online videos
    8. Links
  40. Tables
    1. Adding a table
    2. Insert a table
    3. The table design and the layout ribbon
    4. Draw a table
    5. Insert an Excel spreadsheet
    6. Quick tables
    7. Adding columns and rows
    8. Table styles
    9. Table borders and shading
  41. Mail merge in Word
    1. Mailings
    2. Mail merge from an Excel list
    3. Create mailing labels
    4. Create a directory
    5. Mail merge email messages from Outlook contacts
  42. Proofing tools for reviewing your document
    1. Set the editor options
    2. The editor
    3. Check conciseness
    4. Word count
    5. Read aloud
    6. Translate to other languages
    7. Accessibility
  43. Document collaboration
    1. Save to OneDrive or SharePoint
    2. Sharing
    4. Track changes
    5. Remove tracking
    6. Compare two copies of a document
    7. Inspect the document
  44. Document protection
    1. Formatting restrictions
    2. Editing restrictions
  45. Linked notes with OneNote
    1. Start taking linked notes
    2. To get back to your notes
    3. To get to the location of the note in Word from withing OneNote
  46. Document views
    1. Read mode
    2. Print layout
    3. Web layout
    4. Draft view
    5. Outline view
    6. Focus view
    7. Immersive reader
  47. Customisation
    1. Customising the ribbon
    2. Customising the Quick Access Toolbar
  48. Navigation options
    1. Use the keyboard
    2. Use the navigation pane
  49. Inking
  50. Using the keyboard
    1. The ALT key
    2. Numbers and the Quick Access Toolbar
  51. Find and replace
    1. Find
    2. Replace
  52. Common keyboard shortcuts
  53. Index

Understand different views to optimize your workflow in Word Learn the basics of document collaboration and sharing options in Word Familiarize with proofing tools to improve document quality Gain knowledge of document protection to secure your work

About the Author

Shelley Fishel