Professional eBook

Word 2010 Advanced: Part I

Templates, Forms and Styles

(61 ratings )
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Language :  English
Word 2010 is a powerful word processing application that allows users to produce typed documents.
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Word 2010 is a powerful word processing application that allows users to produce typed documents. These can range from simple letters through to fax cover sheets, reference manuals and sophisticated reports incorporating numbered headings, figures and graphics. In this ebook you will learn how to use templates, forms and styles in Word 2010. Furthermore you can read more about tables and formatting, these subjects have been introduced in the Word 2010 introduction ebook .

  1. Section 1 Advanced tables
    1. Tables - advanced features
    2. Table size and alignment
  2. Section 2 Advanced formatting techniques
    1. Styles
    2. Document Themes
    3. Columns
    4. Sections
  3. Section 3 Outlining
    1. Document outlines
    2. Heading numbering
    3. Document Map
  4. Section 4 Using master documents
    1. Master documents
    2. Creating A Master Document Outline
  5. Section 5 Templates and forms
    1. Templates
    2. Setting Template Appearance
    3. Fields
    4. Form fields
Just great the book helped me and learned me secrets of Word 2010, so now I can use each and every feature not known to me before
If you use the app, you will get to know almost everything about MS Word. But with this ebook, you will be able to save a lot of time in learning and finishing a document, without missing the details.
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About the Author

Stephen Moffat, The Mouse Training Company