Professional eBook

What is Holding you Back?

Junior Leaders Guide to Presence for Confidence

Language :  English
The big question is: ‘What is holding you back?’ With many junior leaders asking “How do I know, I’m getting out there?” or “I don’t feel confident, how do I build confidence as a junior leader?”
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The big question is: ‘What is holding you back?’ With many junior leaders asking “How do I know, I’m getting out there?” or “I don’t feel confident, how do I build confidence as a junior leader?” and then “How do you advance your career, influence and build self-esteem in today’s workplace?“Many books/mentors/line managers will say “get as much experience and feedback as possible”, raise your hand for new projects, get out there. This is great, its good advice – but what about your head (mind) and heart (body)? The two machines that allow you to gain, learn, extrapolate, validate and build on these experiences. How does your head and heart make sense of what your hands are doing?

About the Author

Juliett is attracted to transformation, like a moth to a flame. Individuals, teams and organisations, it’s about doing what is right rather than following the path of least resistance. For 20 years Juliett has worked with diverse groups and teams in multinational organisations. To date she has directly supported and developed hundreds of individuals as they find their way in creating themselves as proficient business leaders and high performers. Serving as an Executive Coach and Strategic Advisor covering Talent, Leadership and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), Juliett has designed and delivered leadership programmes up to C-suite and Level 8 (doctorate). Her mission is to ‘Help People to be Brilliant’.

  • About the author
  • Introduction
  • How to use this guide
  1. What is going on for junior leaders?
    1. What does it feel like to be a junior leader today?
    2. What is on a junior leaders mind?
    3. Why does this happen?
    4. What about work/professions?
  2. The He.. He… Ha and Three B’s
    1. A word or two about perception
    2. What is the He… He… Ha?
    3. Grow self-awareness
    4. How can we establish good habits?
    5. Three B’s. Your – breath, body, and brain
  3. Internal Dialog
    1. Limiting beliefs
    2. Your narrative
    3. Smiling at your triggers
  4. External stories
    1. The distribution of power, influence and sometimes politics
    2. Organisational politics (OP)
  • Table of figures
  • References

Develop self-awareness regarding the influence of internal state, processing, and external behavior on personal performance. Identify and reshape limiting beliefs to enhance personal and professional growth. Build a personal narrative that reflects individual strengths, goals, and contributions. Understand the concept of power in a work environment and recognize the different bases of power.

About the Author

Juliett Bohanna