Professional eBook

Virtual Teams & Work

Building a Future of Work We Are Proud of

Language :  English
This eBook is a collection of lessons written for all of you who are part of a team that became 'virtual' overnight; who are now leading differently; who are building a future of work to be proud of.
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The workplace as we know it, has changed dramatically and we are now back to trial and error, reinventing the future of work as we speak.This eBook is a collection of lessons I’ve seen learned and shared during the 2020 pandemic, and which I believe we can all use as we create that future. It is written for all of you who are now part of a team that became 'virtual' overnight; all of you who are now leading differently; all of you who are building a better, kinder, more inclusive and caring future of work. One that we and next generations will be proud of.

About the author

Roxana Radulescu is the Founder of All Personal, a bespoke training, coaching and consulting company, the first Canadian Partner Organization to The Game-Changing Index®!Roxana helps corporate, small businesses and non-profit organizations build game-changing teams and cultures! She is a TEDx speaker, master coach, facilitator, online course designer and certified GCologist®. She teaches Workplace Communication at York University and College Boreal in Toronto.

  • About the author
  • Preface
  • Part One – Virtual Teams
  1. Remote work as normal part of our job description versus remote work in a crisis
  2. How to engage and motivate your team in a crisis
    1. Create Teams that Change the Game Together
    2. Virtual Work Visionaries
  3. Enhance communication with your ‘suddenly remote’ team
    1. The balance between formal and informal meetings
    2. Formal meetings
  4. Emotionally connect with your virtual team
    1. Informal meetings
  • Part Two – Virtual Work
  1. Remote work in a crisis: being a ‘work-from-home nomad’
  2. The power of habit when working remotely
    1. The Pomodoro Technique
    2. Building Healthy Habits
    3. The New Balance of Trust
    4. The GC Index 5% Week
  • Conclusion
  • References
About the Author

Roxana Radulescu