Professional eBook

SharePoint Development

Understanding the Server Side Object Model (SSOM)

Language :  English
This book aims to get the reader up and running with Server Side Object Model (SSOM) to build SharePoint solutions.
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This book aims at helping developers who are new or experienced in SharePoint to get up and running with designing custom solutions using Server Side Object Model (SSOM). The book explores some of the important features of SharePoint and the APIs that are provided for these features. The book has a code heavy influence to make it easier for the users to see the code in action and better understand how the API can be used to tackle specific problems. The book can be used as a code reference in case of handling a particular set of problems or it can be read from cover to cover to explore the SSOM API of SharePoint. While reading the book it is assumed that the reader has the knowledge of C# and .Net.

About the author

Mujthaba Hasan is a SharePoint consultant and a technology enthusiast. He has worked for some of the best companies around the world like Procter and Gamble (P&G), Exceed IT Services (Microsoft partner of the year, Gulf) & Infotouch (SME 40, Dubai). He is a consultant who specializes in developing enterprise solutions using SharePoint. He is Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer in SharePoint Applications & App Builder. He completed his Masters in Computer Application from SJCE, India with distinction.

  1. Author Biography
  2. Acknowledgement 
  3. Introduction
    1. A brief overview of SharePoint
    2. Different Development Options in SharePoint
    3. What is Server Side Object Model
    4. How To Use This Guide
  4. Farm & Server
    1. Farm 
    2. Server & Services 
  5. Web Application 
  6. Application Pool 
  7. Sites 
  8. List 
  9. Document Library 
  10. Content Types 
  11. Site Columns 
  12. Security & Permissions 
  13. SPContext 
  14. CAML
About the Author

Mujthaba Hassan