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20th Century Physics

20th Century Physics: A Liberal Arts Approach is the story of the transition from classical to modern physics. It is also the story of a philosophical revolution.

Elementary Physics I

This book develops the ideas which are necessary for a beginning student to appreciate physics and its applications at the most fundamental level.

Electricity, Magnetism, Optics and Modern Physics

This book is an algebra based treatment of electric force, electrical energy, circuits, magnetism, Faraday’s law, light and optics, introduction to modern physics, atomic physics and nuclear physics.

Study notes for Statistical Physics

This is an academic textbook for a one-semester course in statistical physics at honours BSc level.

Introduction to Particle Physics

This book presents fundamental concepts in particle physics and gives an accessible introduction to topics such as quantum electrodynamics, Feynman diagrams, relativistic field theories and much more.

Algebra-Based College Physics: Part I

This book provides a concise, but yet comprehensive text of the key topics and concepts covered in the algebra-based introductory physics course at a comprehensive public university.

Algebra-Based College Physics: Part II

This book provides a concise, but yet comprehensive text of the key topics and concepts covered in the algebra-based introductory physics course at a comprehensive public university.

Foundation of Physics for Scientists and Engineers

This book introduces the student seeking careers in science and engineering to a fundamental concept driven knowledge in basic physics. The first volume topics covered are mechanics, heat and sound.

Elementary Physics II

Elementary Physics – II297 Problems in Elementary Physics10-9.

Problems for Algebra-Based College Physics I & II

A selection of challenging problems for the algebra-based introductory physics course. Most problems are at a level consistent with standardized tests [such as MCAT].