Professional eBook

Outlook 2019

Language :  English
This book about Outlook 2019 shows you how to use Outlook 2019 to manage your email, calendar, contacts and tasks. Outlook 2019 is part of the Office 2019 Suite of programs.
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Outlook 2019 is part of Office 2019 the latest iteration of Microsoft Office. It is part of a stand-alone suite of programs. You can install it on one computer be that Windows or Mac. In this book, you will learn how to take control of your Inbox, Calendar, People and Tasks. I show you how to create and use Quicksteps to speed things up, how to book meetings and track who is attending plus lots more time saving tips. After using this book to learn how to use Outlook, you will wonder how you managed before.

About the author

Shelley Fishel is the author of 10 other Microsoft Office books on Bookboon.Shelley is an IT Trainer with 20 years’ experience of delivering Microsoft Office training both in the classroom and virtually. Shelley holds COLF and CDOL certification from The Learning and Performance Institute of which she is a Fellow. COLF stands for Certified Online Learning Facilitator CDOL stands for Certified Designer of Online LearningShelley loves simplifying a process and enabling her students to get more done in less time.

  • Author Biography
  1. What is Office 2019?
  2. Outlook 2019 Home Screen
    1. The Ribbon
    2. The Quick Access Toolbar
    3. The Alt Key
    4. Drag and drop between email and calendar
    5. Peek into the Calendar
  3. Mail
    1. New email
    2. Add an attachment
    3. Reply to an email
    4. Pop out or discard
    5. Reply with meeting
    6. Insert a copy of your calendar
  4. Email options
    1. Themes
    2. Show fields in Email Header
    3. Preview attachments
    4. Insert and format a table
    5. Insert a picture
    6. Add a chart
  5. Create a signature
    1. Create a signature
  6. Conversations
    1. Conversation view
    2. Conversation cleanup
    3. Ignore a conversation
  7. Deleting email
    1. Delete email
    2. Empty deleted items
  8. Archiving
    1. The Archive Button
    2. Auto Archive
  9. Filing
    1. Create a folder
    2. Drag and drop to file email
    3. The move button
  10. Quicksteps
    1. QuickSteps in Outlook
    2. Categorise and move
    3. Flag and move
    4. New email to
    5. Forward to
    6. Meeting with
    7. Create a standard email response
    8. Standard New Email Quickstep
    9. Reply and Move Quickstep
  11. Email templates
    1. Creating a template for email in Outlook 2019
  12. Search
    1. Search for email
    2. Using the Filter icon
  13. Search folders
    1. Search folders
  14. Calendar
    1. The Calendar
    2. Calendar views and arrangements
    3. Time Scale
    4. Open other calendars
    5. Sharing a calendar in Outlook 2019
    6. Share calendars
    7. Calendar overlay
    8. Calendar groups
    9. Appointments
    10. Meetings
    11. Tracking meeting responses
  15. Contacts - people
    1. Contacts are now called People
    2. View contacts
    3. Create a contact
    4. Add contact details direct from incoming email
    5. Communication options in the message header
    6. Favourite people and peek
    7. Create a contact group
    8. Email a contact group
    9. Organise contacts in folders
  16. Tasks and to do
    1. To do
    2. Tasks
    3. Show Tasks on their Due Date on the Calendar
    4. Create a task from an email
    5. Create a task from an appointment
  17. Mail merge
    1. Mail merge
    2. Create the message
  18. Rules
    1. Create a Rule from Scratch
  19. Add ins
  20. Read Aloud
  • Index
About the Author

Shelley Fishel