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Professional eBook

7 Tips for Dealing with Difficult Job Situations

Language:  English
You’re probably aware of how much time and energy difficult people can cost. In this Virtual Classroom, you learn how you can work productively with difficult people.
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Each of us has probably met a difficult person. Difficult people cost time and energy. Energy that we then lack for other things. At work – unlike in our private lives – we cannot avoid difficult people. At work, we also depend on each other to contribute to the company's value creation, whether we like the other person or not. So, how are we supposed to work productively with difficult people? In this Virtual Classroom, you will discover 7 strategies for dealing with difficult job situations. About the Expert"Be the boss you wish you've had in the past!", claims leadership coach Dagmar Gerigk. Why? Because nothing motivates more and delivers better results than working with true passion. The New Work expert helps managers to lead and inspire their employees - on site as well as virtually at a distance. Clients appreciate her practical approach from over 25 years of leadership experience in Dow Jones corporations, medium-sized companies and as an independent entrepreneur. She is also a bestselling author and lecturer in professional development.

About the Author

Dagmar Gerigk