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Management of large sets of image data

Capture, Databases, Image Processing, Storage, Visualization

Language :  English
This book can help you understand background of digital images including software tools for handling large amount of image data.
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Digital Imaging provides the essential skills and knowledge you need to produce high quality data for your daily private or commercial needs. In its most basic form, an image-informatics system must accurately store image data obtained from digital cameras with a wide range of imaging capabilities, along with accessory information (termed metadata), the acquisition system, and basic information about the user, location, date, and so on. The book offers an integral view of digital images introducing: image formats, digital cameras, storage solutions, visualization methods, image processing methods starting from image acquisition to the extraction of the data of interest. The book covers in addition hardware description, introduction into digital files, image data management, history and example from few disciplines where digital imaging plays essential role. This book can help you understand background of digital images including software tools for handling large amount of image data.

  1. Digital image
  2. History of digital imaging
  3. Amount of produced images – is it danger?
  4. Digital image and privacy
  5. Digital cameras
  6. Image formats
  7. Image Metadata – data about data
  8. Interactive visualization (IV)
  9. Basic of image processing
  10. Image Processing software
  11. Image management and image databases
  12. Operating system (os) and images
  13. Graphics processing unit (GPU)
  14. Storage and archive
  15. Images in different disciplines
  16. Selection of best digital images
About the Author

Karol Kozak