Professional eBook

IT-Business Alignment: Part II

Effectively aligning IT Systems to your Business Operations

(12 ratings )
Language :  English
This book deals with the issues of linking and aligning your IT application systems and services with your business in a more effective and efficient way.
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This book deals with the issues of linking and aligning your IT application systems and services with your business in a more effective and efficient way. Part I contains four processes, several controls and seven recommended actions to streamline your IT-Business alignment efforts. Part II contains a case study and examples of policies, support roles, frameworks, methods, tools, goals, objectives, checklists, etc., that complement and support the IT-Business alignment processes described in Part I.

  1. Appendix 1: EA Policy
  2. Appendix 2: Other EA Support Roles
  3. Appendix 3: EA Frameworks
  4. Appendix 4: Business Process Narrative
  5. Appendix 5: Business Plan
  6. Appendix 6: Strategy Assessment Methods and Tools
  7. Appendix 7: Examples Of Strategy, Goals And Objectives
  8. Appendix 8: Examples Of Vision, Mission And Values
  9. Appendix 9: EA Checklists
  10. Appendix 10: EA Case Study
  11. About The Author
  12. Disclaimer
About the Author

John Kyriazoglou