Professional eBook

International Business Dynamics

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Language :  English
The differences in consumer expectations, demanding regulatory regimes, and recurrent economic recessions coupled with advanced digital technologies are changing the international business landscape.
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International business is any business activity conducted by a business in a foreign shore. Differences in consumer expectations, varying regulatory norms in different nations and changing demographics are redefining the business landscape. Advances in digital communication technologies and the growing need for ethical conduct by businesses are further complicating the matter. The nature of political relationships between countries is affecting business operations of multinational corporations. Overcoming the cross-cultural barriers has become crucial for multinational corporations to succeed.

About the author

Venkatesh Ganapathy presently works as Associate Professor (Marketing) in Presidency Business School, Bangalore. He has worked in the industry for close to two decades in organizations like Castrol India Limited (part of BP PLC) and Firepro Systems Private Limited. He has had a rich and diverse cross-functional experience in areas like Research & Development, Technical Services, Quality Assurance, Strategic Sourcing, Performance Management, and Project Management during his stint in the corporate world.

Venkatesh’s commitment and passion for teaching has made him popular among students. His industry experience has not only added value to his classroom delivery but has also enabled students to seek counseling guidance and placement assistance from him. Venkatesh is adept at teaching subjects in the domains of marketing, human resources, and general management. He has delivered keynote presentations at conferences/ seminars to audiences both large and small.

  1. Introduction to international business
    1. Learning outcomes
    2. Introduction
    3. Features of international business
    4. Chapter summary
  2. Drivers of international business
    1. Learning outcomes
    2. Introduction
    3. Drivers of international business
    4. Infant industry argument
    5. Technological changes
    6. Differences between international business and domestic business
    7. Major objectives for companies to engage in international business
    8. Chapter summary
  3. Importance of international business for economy
    1. Learning outcomes
    2. International business – a crucial venture
    3. Chapter summary
  4. Performance indicators of international business
    1. Learning outcome
    2. Performance indicators
    3. Chapter summary
  5. Forms of international business
    1. Learning outcome
    2. Different routes of entry in international business
    3. Forms of ib
    4. Chapter summary
  6. Multinational corporations
    1. Learning outcomes
    2. Introduction
    3. Ilo definition
    4. Differences between mncs and tncs
    5. Why do companies become mncs?
    6. Advantages and disadvantages of mncs to host country
    7. Advantages and disadvantages of mncs to home country
    8. Characteristics of an ideal mnc
    9. Examples of overseas acquisitions
    10. Chapter summary
  7. Cultural influences in international business
    1. Learning outcome
    2. Case 1: indian manufacturers
    3. Case 2: p&g in japan
    4. Collectivistic culture and japan
    5. Chapter summary
  8. Language as a competitive weapon in international business
    1. Learning outcomes
    2. Introduction
    3. Advantages of language
    4. Connection between culture and ethics in decision making
    5. Chapter summary
  9. Future of international business
    1. Learning outcomes
    2. Future trends – can we learn from the past?
    3. Chapter summary
  • Endnotes
The book is an interesting read. The case studies are relevant and add great value. Strongly recommend this book for students pursuing MBA.
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About the Author

Venkatesh Ganapathy