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Inclusive Leadership and Why It Matters

Getting More from More of Your People More of the Time

Language:  English
Inclusive Leadership defines equality as treating people equally well, diversity as difference, and inclusion as an emotion. It turns EDI on its head and offers clarity where there may be confusion.
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Readers will gain a clearer understanding of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equality as three distinct concepts, rather than the single concept of DEI or EDI. They will reflect on the qualities of Inclusive Leaders and assess how they and their colleagues demonstrate these in daily behaviours. Additionally, readers will be introduced to the nine causal factors of inclusion, based on nearly 30 years of action research by the author, which are essential for fostering a sense of inclusion.

About the Expert

Since 1990 I have worked with CEOs, and other leaders globally, seeking to help them to transform their own and their organisation’s performance. My experience spans the public, private and charity sectors. I regularly speak on inclusion and diversity at conferences, seminars, and workshops. I’ve grown by working in, and leading organisations; being deliberate about learning, engaging with experts, reading, attending hundreds of personal growth events, and developing ideas, and programmes. I like gardening, singing, Classic FM and watching TV, and a road in Scarborough is named after me.

Understand the Distinctions Between Inclusion, Diversity, and Equality. Recognise the Importance of Managing Inclusion. Leverage Diversity for Organisational Value. Integrate Inclusive Leadership Behaviours. Apply the Inclusion, Diversity, and Equality Agenda (IDEA).

  • About the author
  • Introduction
  1. Distinguishing the Terms
    1. The Workplace Experience
    2. Diversity – Of Course, You Can’t Manage it!
    3. Equality – No, it Does not Mean Treating Everybody the Same
    4. Inclusion – Yes, it’s More Than Just Being Physically Present
    5. What’s the IDEA About?
    6. Why the IDEA Matters
  2. Inclusive Leaders – Definition and Five Characteristics
    1. Definition and Overview
    2. Authenticity
    3. Courage
    4. Respect
    5. Self-Awareness
    6. Kindness
  3. Nine Causal Factors of Inclusion and Exclusion
    1. Background
    2. Three Causal Factors of Exclusion
    3. Three Causal Factors of Inclusion
    4. Three Causal Factors of Inclusion and Exclusion
  4. Creating and Maintaining Inclusive Environments
    1. Know Your People
    2. Show Your People
    3. Challenge Your People
    4. Support Your People
    5. Measure Inclusion - It’s not About Measuring Diversity
  5. What can De-Rail the Inclusive Leader?
    1. The Boss not Walking the Talk
    2. Fear
    3. Bias
    4. Inconsistency
    5. Impatience
    6. Staying ‘in the box’
  6. Championing Inclusion, Diversity and Equality
    1. Introduction
    2. Inform & Educate Your Peers
    3. Support Directors/Executives
    4. Evaluate Impact of Initiatives
    5. Provide Regular Feedback to the Board or Senior Leaders
    6. Championing within your own team/department
    7. The inclusive communities model
  • Table of figures
  • References
About the Author

Linbert Spencer OBE