Professional eBook

How to Use Microsoft Teams

Language :  English
Collaborate more effectively with Microsoft Teams. Learn how to leverage the power of Microsoft Teams. Set up and mange teams including adding channels, members, inviting guest users and adding apps.
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Working remotely just became a whole lot easier. Take your virtual office to the next level with Microsoft Teams. In this book, learn how to set up Teams and Channels for effective co-working. Collaborate on documents, chat with your colleagues, and meet with internal and external people. Find out how to add other apps to your Teams and channels, apps like Microsoft Forms, Polly, PowerPoint and more. Share your screen, a presentation or an application window in meetings making them so much more interesting. A comprehensive guide to Microsoft Teams.

About the Author

About the authorKnown as The MS Office Maestro Shelley is a Fellow of the Learning and Performance Institute and has been training Microsoft Apps for over 20 years. Delivering face to face training sessions, training remotely with various online tools and presenting at events. Her online training portal Tomorrow’s VA hosts a suite of courses for busy assistants, helping them make the most of Microsoft Office.

  1. About the Author
  2. Second Edition
  3. What is Microsoft Teams?
    1. Versions of Microsoft Teams
    2. Does Microsoft Teams work on both Windows and Mac?
    3. How about working in the Browser?
    4. Microsoft Teams is a Hub for Teamwork
  4. Anatomy of the Microsoft Teams Interface
  5. Teams and Channels
    1. General Channel
    2. Standard and Private Channels
  6. Members and Guests
    1. Team members - Guest Members - External Access what do they all mean?
  7. Roles in Teams
  8. Planning your Team
  9. Teams Admin Centre, Setting up Guest Access and External Access
    1. External Access
    2. Guest Access
  10. Get set, ready, create your first team
    1. Plan of the Koffee Island team
  11. Creating a Team
    1. New team created
    2. Manage the team
    3. Team settings
  12. Channels
    1. Add a standard channel
  13. Adding members to teams
    1. Adding an internal team member
  14. Inviting guest members to teams
    1. Join a team as a guest
    2. Matt is invited to tomorrow’s VA
  15. What can guests do?
    1. Switching between organisations
  16. Activity in teams
  17. Chat in Teams
    1. Where can I chat?
    2. Channel chat
  18. Calendar and meetings in Teams
    1. What can I do in the calendar in Teams?
    2. The lobby
    3. Create a Teams meeting from Outlook
    4. Create a Teams meeting on behalf of someone else
    5. Create an instant meeting (meet now)
    6. Create a channel meeting
    7. Joining a Teams meeting
    8. Webinars
  19. Meetings and what you can do
    1. Customise your meeting experience
    2. Meeting info
    3. Participants
    4. Chat in a meeting
    5. Add Apps to meeting chat
    6. Background Filters
    7. Closed Captions and Transcripts
    8. Sharing in meetings
    9. Join a meeting
    10. Large Gallery and Together Mode
    11. Sharing Microsoft Whiteboard in a Meeting
    12. Adding files to meetings
    13. Meeting notes
  20. Breakout Rooms
  21. Working with shared files in channels
  22. Files
  23. Apps
    1. Preparation
    2. Polling
    3. Using Microsoft Forms
    4. Using Microsoft Forms in meeting chat
    5. Polly
  24. Switching Teams, Settings and Notifications
    1. Team Switcher
    2. Settings
    3. Settings – general and notification settings
  25. Conclusion

Learn how to integrate and use various apps within Microsoft Teams to enhance teamwork. Explore the notification and privacy settings to customize the Microsoft Teams experience. Understand how to work with Microsoft Forms and Polly for polling within Teams and meetings. Get familiar with breakout rooms and how to use them effectively in Microsoft Teams meetings.

About the Author

Shelley Fishel