Professional eBook

How to Stay Motivated at Work 

Unleash Your Inner Success Drivers

Language :  English
For motivation to last, it must come from within. Setting goals, changing your mindset, and growing professionally are key to shifting from external to internal motivation.
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Developing internal self-motivation as an employee is essential but can be challenging at times. To move from external to internal motivation, you must shift your mindset and consciously find personal meaning and satisfaction in your work. Here are some strategies to help you make this transition:

  1. Set Goals
  2. Goals are critical in developing self-motivation in the workplace. Self-motivated employees think about their long-term futures:

    • What are some of your long-term goals for professional development (courses, online programs, and training programs)?
    • What are some of your long-term goals related to your job?
    • What are some of your goals for your career development (seek additional degrees, certifications, and training)?
  3. Change Your Thinking
  4. Before you can move to an internal, self-motivation mindset, you have to identify intrinsic rewards to keep you motivated:

    • What are the aspects of your job you truly enjoy?
    • What aspects do you enjoy (the skills you use, do they allow you to grow professionally, or can you utilize your natural abilities)?
    • How can you incorporate more of these aspects into your daily work routine?
    • View failure as a chance to learn and grow. Think about a time you failed at work. What lessons did you learn?
  5. Grow Professionally
  6. Employees who want to move from external to internal motivation continually seek opportunities to develop their knowledge, skills, and areas of expertise. The following questions can help you think about your career and how you can grow professionally:

    • How can you begin to view each task or activity as an opportunity to gain career-related knowledge, skills, and abilities?
    • Start viewing your job as a learning opportunity rather than a means to an end. What do you need to learn to get better at your current job?
    • How can you step outside of your comfort zone by learning about other jobs on your career trajectory?
    • What professional groups and associations can you join to network with other professionals in your industry?
    • Consider asking someone to mentor you. Who might be an experienced professional from whom you could learn?

    Although external motivation can help you remain motivated for short periods of time, because self-motivation is internally driven, you can generate it quickly and maintain it for longer. Remember that the transition from external to internal motivation is gradual and should not be rushed. Be patient with yourself and consciously practice the strategies from this chapter to cultivate a more self-motivated approach over time.

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About the Author

Dr. John Liptak