Professional eBook

Holistic Time Management

How to Optimize Your Own Reality While Working from Home

Language :  English
For both those who are newly starting to work from home and those with experience who might still be struggling, this book helps to identify one’s own needs and creates space for making changes.
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The realization that we have choices is the essential ingredient in whether we enjoy our work or not; that and a degree of luck and synchronicity. This means not only being in the right place at the right time, but also recognizing and acknowledging it. This is not just another book on tips and suggestions of how to manage your time while working from home, it also offers a more holistic approach to the way work time can be used in the confines of a home space; to promote inner growth, work fulfilment and optimum wellness.

About the author

For many years, Jean Gilhead has been involved in personal development, life coaching and communication skills training, running courses on structuring personal and business presentations for individuals and companies. She inspires and motivates clients all over the world with her self-help tools, using them to draw out individual potential while enabling people to re-discover their own personal power. Jean has published many articles and e-guides, written a novel: 'Living in Bright Shadows' (also in Spanish), and ‘Practical Mindfulness’ for Bookboon (also in Norwegian).

  • About the author
  • Introduction
  1. Your Mental & Emotional Wellbeing
    1. For Good Mental Health – Chill Out & Stay Calm
    2. For Emotional Balance – Become Mindful of Your Work
    3. And Don’t Forget to Breeeeeeathe…!
  2. The Home/Work Environment
    1. Create Your Perfect Office with Feng Shui
    2. Ergonomic Tips to Keep Fit & Healthy at Work
    3. Effects of Color in the Office-Space
  3. Location & Time Saved
    1. No More Daily Commuting
    2. Scheduling Is More Effective Than a ‘To Do’ List
    3. Take Regular Breaks, Celebrate & Connect
  4. Maximize Your Physical Health
    1. Keep Your Body Moving
    2. Enjoy the Quiet Times
    3. Best Foot Forward & Choose Your Footwear Carefully
  5. Distractions, Boundaries, Routine & Discipline
    1. Stay Productive Even If the Whole House is a Distraction
    2. Establish Boundaries & Stop Feeling Guilty
    3. Procrastination is Still the Enemy of Time
  • Summary and a Personal Note from the Author
About the Author

Jean Gilhead